Welcome to Facilities Services

How to Submit a Facilities Request


Report a Facility Emergency

To report a facility emergency, contact the Work Control Center immediately. This number is answered 24/7.

In the event of an emergency, always dial 9-1-1. Additional Facilities Emergencies guidance for faculty and staff is available via the SDSU SharePoint site (SDSUid login required).
Submit a Request

Submit a Request Online

All other non-urgent maintenance or department requests should be submitted online using the Customer Request Portal links below.

Campus Requests

Housing Requests

Outages & notifications

Facilities Services strives to provide as much notice as possible for any outages or work notifications.

Date Affected Buildings Notification

Effective July 1, 2023

All buildings with HVAC systems

The cooling setpoint for the university’s HVAC systems has transitioned from 75 F to 76 F. This adjustment accomplishes several needs. It will allow our HVAC system to recover from temperature fluctuations between rooms. It preserves the cooling capacity for our Thermal Energy Storage (TES) tanks, which store 2 million gallons of water cooled overnight, during the summer months' extreme temperatures. And it is part of SDSU’s efforts to shift further toward sustainability goals by reducing the impact on the environment. Thermal comfort may be affected during this transition, especially on warmer days.

February 26 - April 11 Physics
Facilities Services will be renovating an office space; Physics 133. During the installation, there will be elevated noise levels from hand tools.
March 5 - April 1 Lamden Hall
Facilities Services will be renovating the conference space (LH 342). During the installation, there will be elevated noise levels from hand tools. 
March 21 - April 8 Student Services East
Facilities Services will be renovating these spaces (SSE 3223 & 3220A). There will be elevated noise levels from hand tools during the renovation.
April 1 - 4 Dramatic Arts
Facilities Services will be renovating a space (DA 102A). During the installation, there will be elevated noise levels from hand tools.
April 1 - 4 Love Library
Facilities Services is planning maintenance work on the air handlers located on the roof of Love Library during spring break. The Refrigeration shop will be replacing all three-piece ball valves on each air handler due to corrosion issues. Recently, one of these valves failed, making this replacement necessary to ensure continued reliability. Cooling will be temporarily interrupted during each unit’s scheduled downtime. Ventilation will not be impacted. 
Specific Areas Affected:
Tuesday, 4/1 – AHU 1 (1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors)
Wednesday, 4/2 – AHU 2 (4th and 5th floors)
Thursday, 4/3 – AHU 3 (1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors)
Friday, 4/4 – AHU 4 (4th and 5th floors)
April 1 - 7 Engineering
Facilities Services will be renovating a space (ENG 401). During the installation, there will be elevated noise levels from hand tools and material installations.
April 1 - 21 Physics
Facilities Services will be renovating an office space (Physics 134). During the installation, there will be elevated noise levels from hand tools.
April 2 Love Library
Facilities Services will be performing an electrical interruption to install breakers and fill dead front cover openings as part of the electrical safety program. Interruption will affect the 1st floor (elevator lobby and south of elevator lobby). 
April 3 Facilities Services Chill Plant & Parking 12
An electrical interruption is necessary to replace batteries in 8 circuit breakers. Chill Plant and cold water for the campus will be affected. Temporary power outage for Parking 12.
April 3 - 15 Student Services East
Facilities Services will be renovating the space (SSE 3219). There will be elevated noise levels from hand tools during the renovation.
April 11 - 29 Student Services East
Facilities Services will be renovating the space (SSE 3428C). There will be elevated noise levels from hand tools during the renovation.
April 12 North Life Science
Facilities Services will be performing a domestic water interruption to replace leaking fittings in room 407. All sinks, drinking fountains, restrooms & eyewashes will be affected. Fire suppression will NOT be affected.
April 18 - May 19 Lamden Hall
Facilities Services will be renovating a space (LH 342). During the installation, there will be elevated noise levels from hand tools.
April 23 - May 2 Engineering
Facilities Services will be renovating a space (ENG 323L). During the installation, there will be elevated noise levels from hand tools and material installations.
POSTPONED - TBD North Life Sciences
Fire Suppression system will be shut down to the entire building to facilitate the replacement of sprinkler heads. Fire watch will be in place during interruption. Domestic cold and hot water will be available during this time. Eye wash and emergency showers will not be affected.


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Maintenance & Chargeback Services